Hiatus Update

Over the past year, I tried really hard to stay on top of sharing content here, until I finally had to throw in the towel. It started because we were renovating a house while I was pregnant and had two kids to take care of, so my posts dwindled down to just the net worth updates. Then Mr. ODA started investing in treasury accounts. There was so much movement of money in so many different accounts, that I couldn’t quickly update our net worth anymore. Other than updates of the net worth and rental property work, my last post was August 2022. I feel like I have the bandwidth to finish several posts that I’ve started, so I’m back.


In May 2022, a house went on the market in our desired area of town. We weren’t ready to leave our house since we hadn’t owned it for two years yet, but this was an opportunity that was hard to pass up. We closed on the new house in June 2022. We floated the down payment through a Home Equity Line of Credit that was paid off through the sale of our house.

We spent the whole summer traveling back and forth between our then-current house and the new house because we had a lot of work to do on the new house. We demolished the master bathroom and started rebuilding that. I painted almost the entire house. We did a lot of little projects. It was a tiring time that culminated in having to do the physical move in the Fall and get the new house organized and set up.


I was pregnant through all of the home renovations and move. Our son came 3 weeks early on Thanksgiving day. He was generally healthy, but he required extra medical attention than we weren’t used to with the first two. On top of that, he wanted to be held to be asleep; babies sleep a lot. Mr. ODA and I were taking turns holding the baby and sleeping. The two older kids basically survived on tv shows and chicken nuggets during this blur of life. Going from 0 to 1, and from 1 to 2 kids was pretty easy, but this 3rd kid was a new ballgame. Once he was 5 months old, I started working on getting him to sleep independently. Now that he’s 7 months old, he sleeps well in his crib for his naps and through the night; he’s happy during the day and plays well; and now I feel like a new person for actually getting rest and not being tied to a couch all day everyday. Mr. ODA took a lot of time off to help me through that phase. As he started working again, it was an adjustment for me to learn how to manage all 3 kids and the household.


We had several trips last summer on top of the renovations that we were working on. Those created delays in us having the house ready for us to move. Then our oldest got sick and it turned into an issue in his leg so he couldn’t walk at all for about 2 weeks and couldn’t walk right for about 8 weeks. It was a rough time. He got better just as I was about to have the baby.

As we started to get into the swing of things with all 3 kids and coming out of winter, my mom got sick. She went downhill quickly in March and ended up passing away on my birthday this year. That was unexpected and emotionally draining. We just got back from a trip to see my family, and I feel like I’m more put together than I had been over the last 3 months.

In April, we had to submit our taxes. This is always a several hour process. I had documented in the past, but I just didn’t have time to juggle it this year. I have to verify that I’ve recorded all expenses, that I haven’t recorded expenses that aren’t supported by documentation (e.g., receipt), that my summaries are logical, and then it takes Mr. ODA and I 5-6 hours worth of entering data to actually submit.

Then we added swim lessons and soccer for the kids. We quit soccer early because it just wasn’t fun for our oldest (or us), and 3 months of swim lessons are over. Now our only commitment is whether or not we want to attend library story time for a half hour each week, and I’m appreciating the open schedule.


The rentals have required a lot more than usual attention from us in the past year. We had a house flood from a burst pipe, so that had to be cleaned out, renovated, and re-rented. We had several plumbing and HVAC issues among multiple houses, as well as a raccoon removal issue. We had roof damage to a house, a tree fall on a house, and another tree fall in the yard of three different houses, all because of storms. We had to turnover a house, where the tenant had lived there for several years, had made changes that were not appropriate, and would not communicate effectively on her status of leaving. It has been a lot more than usual, requiring a lot of time to manage.

On top of the maintenance requests and the usual management of the properties, I also took over the management of the properties that are in Central KY in February. I was spending so much time managing the property manager, that it was finally time for me to just handle it.

Not that you needed all this background, but I felt weird just jumping back into content. We’ve been very busy in general, but adding a 3rd kid into the mix was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I finally feel like I can manage everything again, and I’ve had more and more thoughts for things to share.